Artist’s Statement (Bachelors)
My wors is a vehicle with which I express my feelings and create ideas.
It is about seeing, discovering, and reflecting my perceptions of life.
The subject matter periodically crosses the boundries of representational and non-representational art, as I draw from memory or a simple motif.
Images flow from one to the other in an interplay of color and design.
I perceive my work as an escape mechanism where freedom is paramount.
The free association subliminal techniques of my escapism is the bridge that links the collaged drawing and prints with the conceptual engagement of fast art.
What we let into our lives visually, and how it affects us menally is an integral part of our existence.
Artist’s Statement (Masters)
The continuity of the Winds is based on a motif which is invariably simple.
the Great Divide
a window view
an ephemeral moment
a breath of wind
Since man first took shelter from the elements and separated himself from the rest of nature, he has needed a visual means to bridge the interior spaces of his shelter with those spaces of the exterior world, and not just the phsical aspect of these spaces, but the perceptual aspects as well.
What we let into our lives visually and how it affects us mentally is an integral part of our existence.
Randy Hackler
Artist’s Statement
Randy received his formal training in Pop Art and Abstract Expressionism while studying printmaking at the University of Oklahoma. He began exxperimenting with the multiple processes, influenced by Robert Rauschenberg’s commbined imagery. He created images symbolic of the world around him juxtaposing elements of drawing ,painting, and photography. By 1980 he became interested in the work of David Hockney and the stylization of natural and man made forms. His work began to exhibit a wide variey of color and texture by incorporating and exploring such forms.
He relys primarily on the environmental for visual information and has created allusive drawings and prints. This enabled him to examine unconventional composition, reminisent of photo-collage. The gestural painting style of Jackson Pollack has also been influential to his art as he pursues his own personal freedoms of expression. Working in series on paper, he combines color with linear and circular motifs in an effort to transform feeling and thoughts into flowing peripheral images.